BJP’s Kirodi Meena alleges large-scale corruption in RAS 2018 exam, seeks CBI probe

 Jaipur, Apr 26 (PTI) BJP Rajya Sabha MP Kirodi Lal Meena on Tuesday demanded a CBI inquiry into the Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) 2018 examination, alleging large-scale corruption in the conduct of the exam.

He alleged that Congress leaders were involved in getting candidates selected in the interview by taking money.

Kirodi Meena, CBI, RAS 2018 exam, corruption

Meena said he will register a complaint with the Special Operations Group (SOG) of the Rajasthan Police on Wednesday so that the guilty can be caught.

“Congress leaders took money and got many candidates passed in the interview. CBI inquiry should be ordered in the matter,” he told reporters here.

He alleged that the top 200 candidates in the examination have been selected from certain institute centres.

Referring to an answer copy obtained under the RTI, he questioned the marking scheme used in the recruitment examination.

The final result of the examination was announced in July last year. PTI SDA CK.

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